13 July 2015

A Little Bit of Maya (and Oprah) to Help You on Your Way

Last week in my yoga classes I offered the following quote:

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."  

It is good advice for your time on the yoga mat doing your physical practice, and off it, as you continue to grow, learn and evolve your spiritual practice. 

The quote is by Maya Angelou, poet, author, actor, dancer, producer, director and all-round wise woman, who died last year aged 86. 

I've loved her way, and her work, from the first time I saw her on the Oprah Winfrey show. She was all about being the very best person you can be. She was about freedom, love, being bold and doing the right thing. She has a lot to teach us. In this video Oprah shares what a powerful influence Maya Angelou has been on her life and how she passes on Maya's wisdom to others.


I've shared my favourite poem of hers "Still I Rise" before but it is so very wonderful that it warrants another showing. Here she is, with her fabulous energy and accent, encouraging us to get back up again after we have been criticised, let down or challenged.  

If you'd like to know more about Maya Angelou and her extraordinary life you can take a look at her biography here

Creamy Pea Dressing

I'm eating lots of salads at the moment, which feels good and healthy but I always have a little concern about the dressing I use as they often contain hidden additives and are high in calories. This Creamy Pea Dressing is an easy way to get good flavour and lots of nutrients without any dairy products or added chemicals. 

Peas have high nutritional value with lots of Vitamins A, B-complex and C and contain minerals like calcium, potassium and zinc. Impressive levels of Alpha-Linoleic Acid make peas an anti-inflammatory whole food.

You don't have to use fresh peas, frozen peas work well and they are frozen immediately they are picked so retain their freshness, vitamins and minerals. You could blend in some herbs too for added flavour. This is a US recipe so amounts are in cups - I used a tea cup as my measure.

1/2 cup green peas (fresh, or frozen and thawed)
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 tablespoons smooth Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon sea salt


In a blender, combine all the ingredients and puree on high speed; thin out with 1 tablespoon of water, if needed, until desired consistency is reached. Dressing may be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 5 days. Easy pea-sy!! Sorry, couldn't resist!

Leo Babauta has written another great post on his blog zenhabits.net. It's about what to do when you're feeling stuck ....

6 Things to Know About How to Get Out of Funk Town

By Leo Babauta from ZenHabits.net

Sometimes you just aren’t motivated, maybe you’re feeling depressed (as opposed to full-blown clinical depression), maybe you just don’t have the energy to focus on work.

We’ve all been there from time to time, and the good news is, we’ve all climbed out of this funk to some degree.

I’ve found there are two main factors to finding yourself in Funk Town:
  • You have low energy, from a lack of sleep, overwork, an illness, or overdoing the exercise (you know who you are).
  • You get into a negative thinking spiral — one self-doubt leads to another, one bad thought about your life leads to another, until you no longer believe in yourself.

These two factors often work together — usually when I’m jet lagged, or just went through a family crisis, or am severely sleep-deprived, I start down the negative thinking spiral.

Here’s the first thing to know about how you’re thinking during this slump: don’t believe any of your thoughts.

That’s because your mind, when it gets tired and negative, enters a childlike state — not the “let your mind be childlike and playful” kinda childlike, but more like, “Gimme what I want or I’m gonna throw a tantrum” kinda cranky, selfish, petulant child. This is not your best self, but a self that is suffering and just wants to be comfortable. That’s completely understandable.

Here’s the next think to know about this slump: You shouldn’t listen to the urges and thoughts of the childlike tantrum-throwing mind when you’re in Funk Town … but do listen to the needs. Your childlike self wants to rest, doesn’t want to do too much work, is tired and maybe needs some comforting.

Comfort yourself when you’re suffering. Not with food but with love. Give yourself rest when you’re tired. Make fixing your sleep a top priority. Go to bed earlier, turn off all screens, let yourself unwind, meditate while in bed, make sure there’s no TV or other lights on, and get some great sleep.

Weirdly, it also helps to get active. Take care of sleep, and don’t overdo your activity, but if you’ve been working from home or stuck in an office a lot, it’s often better to get your body moving — go for a walk, play a sport, do something active with friends.

A third thing to know: When you’re in Funk Town, don’t believe what your mind thinks about yourself and your work. It will say, “I don’t want to do that!” or “I can’t do that” or “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t care about that anymore.” None of that is believable, simply because the mind that’s saying these things is in a state of panic and fear and extreme discomfort. That’s not a believable mind.

Instead, notice these thoughts, then tell yourself, “I’m just suffering right now. I’ll figure this out when I’m in a calmer state of mind.”

Once you’re in a calmer state of mind, feeling better, then take assessment of your work. You might find you still love it, or if you don’t, you might calmly find another path that’s even better.

A fourth thing to know: It helps a lot to talk to someone else, who has an outsider’s perspective. Talk to a friend, a spouse, a parent, a co-worker, anyone. I can’t stress this enough — don’t be too proud to reach out for help.

A fifth thing: Once you’ve taken care of your rest and your health, you should do some work. Not a ton, but some. Put in some diligent effort, get a little done. Just enough to feel good that you did something.

It also really helps to start clearing your plate a little, if you’re overloaded. Start saying No to work instead of Yes all the time, as a friend of mine did recently when he was in Funk Town, and you’ll feel some relief.

Finally a sixth thing to know: It’s OK to be in Funk Town now and then. We all do it, so you’re not alone at all. It’s human to go through ups and downs, to not always be on a high of amazing psychitude. We sometimes doubt ourselves, sometimes get really tired, sometimes suffer. Don’t worry about being in Funk Town. You’ll get out of it, and because of your experience in Funk Town, you’ll be stronger and wiser and ready to take on the next challenge with renewed gratitude.

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